Property Conveyancing Group has extensive experience settling properties within the Baw Baw Shire Council, with our head office based in Drouin.
Whether you are buying or selling in Warragul, Trafalgar, Neerim, Jindivick or anywhere in between, we will ensure that your matter is handled with attention and care.
Baw Baw Shire is a predominantly rural-based municipality, which includes rich horticultural, dairying and forestry areas.
It is also a major exurban growth area for the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, the focus of which is on Drouin and Warragul.
Primary industry is a major employer and industry sector within Baw Baw and includes dairy and beef cattle, pome fruits (apples), vegetables, potatoes, cool climate grapes, maize, soft fruits (berries and currants), fresh flowers, seedlings and plants, hydroponic tomatoes and timber.
There is also a significant and growing value-adding sector taking advantage of the primary produce grown in the area. Organic production is also increasing significantly.
t covers an area of 4,031 square kilometres and at the 2016 Census had a population of approximately 48,500.

Aberfeldy, Ada, Allambee, Allambee Reserve, Allambee South,
Amor, Athlone, Baw Baw, Baw Baw Village,
Bona Vista, Boola, Brandy Creek, Bravington, Buln Buln,
Buln Buln East, Caringal, Childers, Cloverlea, Coalville,
Coopers Creek, Crossover, Darnum, Delburn, Driffield,
Drouin, Drouin East, Drouin South, Drouin West, Ellinbank, Erica,
Ferndale, Fumina, Fumina South, Gainsborough, Gentle Annie,
Glengarry North, Hallora, Hallston, Heath Hill, Hernes Oak,
Hill End, Icy Creek, Jacob Creek, Jericho, Jindivick,
Labertouche, Lardner, Lillico, Loch Valley, Longwarry, Longwarry North,
Mirboo South, Modella, Moe, Moe South, Moondarra, Mountain View, Narracan, Nayook, Neerim, Neerim East, Neerim Junction, Neerim North, Neerim South, Nilma,
Noojee, Nyora, Piedmont, Poowong East, Poowong North, Rawson, Ripplebrook, Rokeby, Seaview, Shady Creek, Strzelecki, Tanjil, Tanjil Bren, Tanjil South, Tetoora Road, Thaloo, Thomson, Thorpdale, Thorpdale South, Toombon, Toongabbie, Toorongo, Trafalgar, Trafalgar East,
Trafalgar South, Trida, Vesper, Walhalla, Warragul, Warragul South, Warragul West, Westbury, Willow Grove, Yallourn North, Yarragon and Yarragon South.

Gumbuya World is an amusement park in Tynong North, Victoria, near Pakenham, in Victoria, Australia
Mount Baw Baw is a mountain on the Baw Baw Plateau and Great Dividing Range, located in Victoria, Australia.
For all upcoming events in Baw Baw Shire head over to the shires events page

Property Conveyancing Group provide you with a fixed fee promise meaning you will know exactly how much our services will be with no hidden fees or charges.
All our fees are payable at settlement of the property so you don't need to worry about any upfront costs.
If you require Conveyancing in Darnum, Neerim South, Moe, Ripplebrook, Yarragon or any other town of Baw Baw Shire Council, contact us for specialised service.
Everyone's property journey is a personal and individual one and therefore, so are the answers to your questions.
If you have a question that hasn't been answered above or, would like an answer personalised to you, contact us for an obligation free chat!